6. 6. 2021
On June 6, 2021, we, as one of the suppliers, participated in the solemn ceremony od the consecration of the Church of the Corpus Christi in Guty.
18. 3. 2021
I v této době se nám nadále daří realizovat zajímavé zakázky. Dodržujeme všechna nutná protiepidemiologická opatření tak, abychom neohrozili zákazníky, obchodní partnery ani zaměstnance navzájem.
Zajišťujeme mj. testování zaměstnanců, poskytujeme nutné ochranné pomůcky a další potvrzení dle konkrétních potřeb.
15. 1. 2021
21. 12. 2020
We wish all customers and business partners successful yaer 2021!
1. 6. 2020
On the 30th of May 2020, a corporate event was held for SKS employees and their family members.
We tried out the team, adventure game "Fort Baldyard" on our own skin, had a great lunch in a local restaurant, toasted bacon in the evening and spent a pleasant day together.
Thank you to all participants for their competitive and joyful approach, all the organizers and many thanks to the management of the company for organizing this whole great event.
16. 3. 2020
Dear customers and business partners.
Given the current situation, we are specifying the way of operating in which we will work in coming days. If our presence in the installations is possible from your side, we are able to continue with the realization of orders.
We equip our employees as much as possible with the necessary protective equipment, especially disinfection, gloves and masks. Employees are instructed to limit contact with you for the necessary time, keeping the distance ideally at least 2 m, comply with the necessary sanitary measures - therefore everything to minimize the risk of infection. We monitor the health of our employees and colleagues with health problems are prohibited from coming to work. If possible, we will also perform the service using remote access.
We hope to overcome this situation in good health and return to normal mode soon.
Direction of SKS s.r.o.
22. 11. 2019
9. 10. 2019